7 Months!

Hi all,

Our little boy is now 7 months old! In the last couple of weeks he's started to make some new sounds - we hear lots of babbling and a new high-pitched happy screaming sound (which should be fun on the plane to Toronto next week!).  He's getting much more stable sitting and is starting to think about crawling. Solid food has been going well - we've learned that Isaac is much more interested if he can help feed himself (he grabs the spoon and it gets all over, but most of it goes in!). His first tooth poked through a few days ago but so far he doesn't seem to be affected by it. This past week Isaac, Grandma Donna, and I headed up to Oliver to visit Isaac's great-grandparents and also had visits from Auntie Ali and Uncle Bryce. As I mentioned, we are heading to Toronto next week to spend some time with Evan's family which should be lots of fun! Isaac is very lucky to have such a loving family.

We hope you enjoy these latest videos and pictures!

Melisa, Evan, and Isaac

Video links:
Pushing the Button
Isaac Attack (upside down)
Mmm bell peppers...
Still Loves to Jump!
Almost crawling

6.5 Months!

Hi all,

A lot has happened since our last email update. Isaac can now sit up on his own and has made huge progress in eating solid foods. It's amazing to compare 2 weeks ago (he was just starting to sit up and wasn't very stable) to now (he can sit for minutes at a time and only bails when he reaches too far for a toy). We went to the aquarium for the first time - even though he's still too little to know what he was looking at, I think he enjoyed it. We watched the dolphin show from underground and he was able to follow the dolphins swimming with his eyes! We also went to Abbotsford for a few days and he visited Grandpa at work for the first time. Isaac now has 2 meals of solid food a day and is getting really good at eating (although he loves grabbing the spoon and rubbing it against his gums). Still no teeth though!

Here are some pictures and videos! Enjoy!

Video links:
Sitting up for the first time
Sweet Jumper
Delicious Duck
Bath time with Daddy
Highchair at Jethro's

Melisa, Evan, and Isaac

Isaac - 6 Months!

Hi all,

Our little boy is 6 months old! In the last two weeks we've adjusted back to our regular life post-vacation. Isaac had a cold for a few days but was a real trooper. Highlights since our last email include Isaac can now get his feet in his mouth (and since his feet are still his favourite toy, this makes him pretty happy), he is ticklish (feet, ribs, thighs, and armpits), and he loves sweet potatoes! We also bought him an activity centre that he can stand or bounce in while he plays and so far he likes it (but the Jolly Jumper is still his fave!). We hope you enjoy the pics and videos. 

Love to all!
Melisa, Evan, and Isaac

Video Links:
Hanging out with PJ
Delicious Feet!
Olympic Village

Bonus from the end of our Phoenix trip:
Car Ride Laughs
Airport Roof
7 Hours Later and Still Happy

Phoenix Vacation!

Hi All,

We are having a fabulous time in Sunny Phoenix (well actually Scottsdale!).  Here are a few snaps from our first couple days on Isaac's first vacation!

Melisa, Evan, and Isaac

Weeks 22 and 23

Isaac is now 5 months old! The last two weeks have been really good - here are a few highlights:
- Isaac had his first taste of solid food. I was eating an apple and he wanted some so we let him suck on a piece. He seemed to like it so we'll probably start him on solids in the next couple of weeks!
- Isaac spend a day with Daddy. I went to work and Evan took care of Izzy for the day! They had a great time and Evan documented it very nicely. If you click on this link you can see an album of their adventure. Be sure to click on the first picture to see a larger version with captions! 
Pictures of Daddy Day!
- Isaac has started sleeping much better and more easily. The last few nights I've only gotten up with him once to feed. We'll see if it continues but I think we've made some major progress

Here are some videos:
Out and About
Dad, stop poking me! (his cheek is red because he was napping in a pool of his drool...)
Rolling Part 1 and Part 2
Post bath
Chilling on Mom's bed
Telling stories (look at how tightly he grabs his feet - they turn white!)

We are leaving Monday to spend 2 weeks in Phoenix with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Gary so our next email will be highlights of Isaac's first vacation!

Melisa, Evan, and Mr. Iz

Week 20

Hi all,

Here are some pictures and videos from the last 2 weeks. Isaac is doing really well! He's 15 lbs 6 oz and thriving according to the doc. We redid sleep training and now he can sleep without a swaddle. He received his PhD this week when he participated in another round of UBC Psychology studies - I think we'll frame it and put it next to mine! We also started going to Mom and Baby fitness classes and Storytime at the library. Fun times!

Jolly Jumper (Daddy)
Jolly Jumper (Mommy)
Discovering hands
Starbucks Footplay
Dancing with Dad

Melisa, Evan, and Isaac

Weeks 18 and 19

It's been a busy two weeks with the holidays. Isaac's Baba Judi was with us to celebrate Channukah and then we went to my parents to celebrate Christmas. Evan has been off for the past week so we've had some nice family time. Isaac is now 4 months old and doing really well. In the last two weeks he has achieved quite a few milestones! He now can laugh, roll over, speak much more loudly, use consonant sounds, and really jump in the Jolly Jumper. Here are some photos and videos of the past 2 weeks!

Food coma
Typical Iz
4 months!
Rolling over
Jolly Jumper Video
Bunny swing

2014 was a very big year for us - we are so happy that little Isaac joined our family and we know life will never be the same again! Thank you to everyone for your love and support. We are looking forward to 2015 and wish all of you a happy and healthy New Year!

Melisa, Evan, and Isaac

Week 17

Hard to believe another week has passed and it's time for another update. The past week has been great! Isaac really laughed for the first time and has started grabbing and holding things much better (including both of his feet!). We attended a lot of get-togethers this weekend and he did very well. Evan and I even got a night out when Evan's cousin babysat (Thanks Sherri!!).

One highlight was our trip to UBC for Isaac to participate in another research study - this time he watched a video of different animals do see if he could put them into categories. He did very well and was awarded his Master's degree! We also visited the Earth Sciences building and Evan at his work.

Hope you enjoy the pictures and videos! The beautiful Hungry Caterpillar quilt was a gift from Isaac's great-aunt Heather. As you'll see in the videos, Isaac loves having his diaper changed - it takes him from cranky to happy in a flash. Also he's been very good at entertaining himself lately, which is great for me!

Melisa, Evan, and Mr. Iz

Rattle: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3jwtwplkzhhs56e/2014-12-15%2016.02.00.mp4?dl=0
Laundry: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sb2ns81e3u8ltsa/2014-12-14%2022.42.08.mp4?dl=0
4 months: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1yrzr3z9qrsbbiz/2014-12-16%2000.51.27.mp4?dl=0
Diaper change: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9fz0gksgif5msr2/2014-12-14%2012.02.22.mp4?dl=0
UBC: https://www.dropbox.com/s/az9g3odr0ugwhde/2014-12-17%2017.41.41.mp4?dl=0

Week 16

Hi all,

Here is your Week 16 update! We spent some of the week in Abbotsford with my parents - I was pretty sick and it was nice to have some extra help! Isaac is doing well - he is learning how to grab things and bring them to his mouth and drooling like crazy. He still loves his Jolly Jumper (thanks Auntie Sari!) and grabbing his toes. Enjoy!

Video links:

Talking - https://www.dropbox.com/s/2mkp6kf568t969i/2014-12-05%2023.40.34.mp4?dl=0
Jolly Jumper - https://www.dropbox.com/s/h73cshu7678dfjk/2014-12-06%2010.36.08.mp4?dl=0
Playing with Daddy - https://www.dropbox.com/s/7wi1muq6824c739/2014-12-07%2012.42.41.mp4?dl=0
My first chew toy - https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6b9memmcfp6c8n/2014-12-09%2002.03.05.mp4?dl=0
Toe sandwich - https://www.dropbox.com/s/g9z2abey1lvpd5r/2014-12-09%2020.32.54.mp4?dl=0
The exciting mobile - https://www.dropbox.com/s/pbjsoimpdlrqkve/2014-12-09%2022.40.08.mp4?dl=0

Melisa, Evan, and Isaac

Week 15

Hi all,

We have had a really good week! The best news is that Isaac is sleeping again (which means I am too!)!  We did some sleep training which he took to extremely well and can now fall asleep on his own. We've also started swaddling Isaac tightly during the night (see the picture of the bunny swaddle blanket) and he has been sleeping 12 hrs a night, with 2 feeds during the night. Such a huge change.

That's the good news. The bad news is he's lost a lot of his gorgeous hair. He's still cute, but he's balding. Hopefully it grows back soon!

We spent a few days this past week at Grandma and Grandpa's in Abbotsford. It was nice to have a change of scenery. Isaac is becoming more and more vocal and interactive. He has big smiles and is a very happy baby (as long as he's not hungry, tired, or bored!). Hope you all enjoy the videos and pictures from this past week!

Video links:
Naked and happy: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9idgpy45j9afrfu/2014-11-30%2001.47.14.mp4?dl=0
Laughing with Mom:https://www.dropbox.com/s/op1mfkzpf32m7ao/2014-12-02%2020.31.14.mp4?dl=0
Bedtime Stories: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8yw5hm47tb5yoge/2014-12-03%2002.18.37.mp4?dl=0
Sweetheart: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfwlsrlx8drw1gt/2014-12-03%2017.36.37.mp4?dl=0

Melisa, Evan, and Isaac