Isaac - 8 Months!

Hi all,

Isaac is officially mobile! He can crawl and easily go from crawl position to sitting. He's still not fast but he can get where he wants to go!Isaac also stood up while holding onto something for the first time a couple days ago. He is making lots of new sounds (clicking, ppppft, and blowing bubbles) which apparently means that more speech will be coming soon. Another big change is he's content to play by himself with toys for longer periods. We took Isaac to our shul for the first time and participated in scribing our congregation's new Torah, which was a very special family experience. I've been working most days prepping my course but the real test will be next week when classes start and I am back at the Cancer Agency one day a week. Evan is an amazing Dad and doing so well with Isaac. In the last couple weeks they took trips to Ikea, the aquarium, and Abbotsford. I'm very impressed (but not surprised) at how naturally he's taken to parental leave. If only he'd stop givingIsaac beer, hot dogs, and gigantic pancakes (see the pics for evidence of that last one).

Hope you enjoy the pictures and videos!

Video links:
A case of the giggles
Eating grapes
Playing and crawling
Dad can sleep through anything...

Melisa, Evan, and Isaac